What are Museum passes? How can I get one?


The Museum Discovery Pass Program offers entry to local museums, available for free with your library card. Museum passes may be checked out by adult and juvenile (with parental consent) cardholders with full access accounts, in good standing. Museum passes check out for 7 days, may not be renewed, and should be returned to the branch where checked out. When you check out the pass, the receipt for checkout will be attached to the pass and will be removed by Museum staff when you enter.

Only one museum pass at a time may be checked-out by a family. Each pass allows a party of 4 to enter.

All branches except for Special Collections have a certain number of passes. The museum passes are not able to be held or sent to another location, we encourage you to come in and visit any branch’s circulation desk to see what is available.

  • Last Updated Jun 26, 2018
  • Views 2888
  • Answered By Main Reference Library

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Comments (2)

  1. How can I tell which branch I checked my museum pass from? I've borrowed books from several locations & can't remember from which I borrowed the museum pass. If you look in the lower left on the backside of the pass next to the barcode you will see a pair of initials for the branch the pass is from (i.e. CU for Central & Unser, LG for Los Griegos, JT for Juan Tabo, etc).
    by Debbie on Apr 26, 2020
  2. During Covid 19 city/state buildings were closed to in person ; now that buildings are open & following state mandated CDC guidelines- are museum pass program restarting? Are these passes available for check out now? If not, when will they be & who to contact to get them resumed?
    by Roadrunner on Nov 19, 2021