Do you have a copy of my high school yearbook?


Our Special Collections library and the Genealogy Center have an extensive collection of Albuquerque-area high school yearbooks.

To find if we have yours, search the catalog for the word yearbook and the name of your high school.

For example, to see what books we have for West Mesa High, enter yearbook west mesa into the search box, and it should return a list of all holdings for the West Mesa yearbook (el Chicote!) that we have in our collection. Don't include the year of graduation as part of your search, since like a periodical there is only one record for all years and then a list of years that we own.

Please contact the Special Collections Library, 505-848-1376, for more information or if you are looking for a yearbook from outside the Albuquerque area.

  • Last Updated Jun 18, 2020
  • Views 2751
  • Answered By Main Reference Library

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