What are the requirements to file for Unemployment Insurance Benefits in New Mexico? Where and how can can I file?


According to the Unemployment Insurance page of the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions, to be eligible for unemployment insurance benefits you must meet at least the following requirements:

  • Amount of money you earned in your base period as determined by your date of claim. In general, you must meet standards for amount of money earned or time worked during a set period of time called a base period. Typically, the base period consists of the first four of the previous five calendar quarters.  (Each quarter is a three month period: Q1: January - March, Q2: April - June, Q3: July - September, Q4: October - December.)
  • Your separation from your last employer must be under non-disqualifying conditions. Disqualifying conditions would include:
    • You voluntarily quit your job without good cause, or if you voluntarily chose to retire.
    • You were fired from your job for misconduct.
    • Your unemployment is due to a labor dispute.
    • You refuse to find suitable work.
  • You must be able, available, and actively seeking new employment.
    • Be able to work – You are capable of working during the week in which you file for unemployment benefits. You cannot collect benefits if you are sick, injured or disabled.
    • Be available to work – You are ready to start a job immediately and do not have any obstacles to accepting work, such as transportation or childcare issues.
    • Be actively seeking work – You are searching for work and trying to find a job. Unless officially exempted, you will be required to conduct a minimum of two work searches per week for every week you certify for benefits. You are required to keep a log of all of your work searches, and the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions (NMDWS) can request verification of your searches at any time during your benefit year. The Work Search Verification Log can be used to keep track of all of your work searches.

You can apply for unemployment insurance benefits online by officially registering and/or logging into your New Mexico Workforce Connection account at www.jobs.state.nm.us.

You'll need the following information:

  • Social Security Number
  • Mailing address and phone number(s) of employer(s) you worked for in last 18 months
  • The starting and ending dates of your last job (or jobs if more then one employer in last 18 months)
  • If non-citizen have your alien registration number and expiration date
  • If you worked during the week you are filing your claim, be sure you know the gross amount (total dollars and cents before any deductions) of your pay before filing
  • Pencil and paper to write down questions and instructions

If you have questions or need additional information, contact a Customer Service Agent at the NMDWS Unemployment Insurance Operations Center by calling 1-877-NM-4-MYUI (1-877-664-6984), Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

  • Last Updated Jun 18, 2020
  • Views 10808
  • Answered By Main Reference Library

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