How do I access online movies from the library website?

We offer streaming movies through Overdrive and hoopla. You can see all of our downloadable resources by clicking the"Downloads" link in the green header bar from any page within the site.


With Overdrive you can use your library card number and PIN to login directly from that site. With hoopla, you will need to create a login with email address; when you land on the hoopla digital site click the "Get Started" button in the center of the screen and then find Albuquerque-Bernalillo Public Library in the list of libraries. Next, you will enter your library card number and PIN and email address information. After that, you're all ready to go. Checkout times vary: on Overdrive you can choose 3, 5, or 7 days and with hoopla (5 checkouts total per month) you have 72 hours to watch any checked-out video.


  • Last Updated Aug 13, 2018
  • Views 266
  • Answered By Nicholas Newlin

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