Using my Sansa Clip is generating the error "Sycronize to continue your music subscription." Can you help?


The Sansa Clip uses two different transfer modes that are automatically selected by the device (MTP or MSC). MTP, also known as PlaysforSure, mode is what allows the transfer and playback of WMA (Windows Media Audio) titles. MTP mode can be used to transfer both OverDrive MP3 and WMA Audiobooks. 

To make sure you are in MTP mode:

  • Power on the device and select 'Settings'.
  • Scroll to and select 'USB Mode' (or 'Mode').
  • Scroll to and select 'MTP' (or 'PlaysforSure Mode').

If resetting your Sansa Clip to MTP mode does not work, please contact support.

  • Last Updated Jul 05, 2017
  • Views 541
  • Answered By Main Reference Library

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