How do I rate digital titles that I've borrowed? Can I view titles that I've rated?


Overdrive Instructions:

When you are logged-in to our OverDrive Digital Media Collection, search for the eBook, video, or eAudiobook you would like to rate. Click on the book to see more details; on this screen you will see five stars. As you move your mouse from left to right across the lower row of stars, they will turn yellow. Choose the number of stars you would like to give the title.

Once you have rated the title, it will appear in your list of 'rated titles' available under the 'My Account' tab.  You can view all of the titles that you have rated here. For titles that you have not rated, you will only see the average rating in blue. There will be a link to log in directly below that row of stars. Click on the link, enter your library card number, and you will be logged-in and ready to start rating!


  • Last Updated May 05, 2021
  • Views 176
  • Answered By Main Reference Library

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