Hoopla says daily borrow limit has been reached

I tried to borrow a title on Hoopla and it gave me an error message that said the collective borrow limit set by your library has been reached and will reset at midnight. What does this mean?


Starting on July 1st, 2024, our library implemented a system-wide limit for the number of items that are allowed to be borrowed each day. This is not a limit on individual hoopla users, but a limit for the entire ABQ-BernCo Library system's hoopla users. If/when the limit is reached, you may receive the following message on our hoopla service:

The collective daily borrow limit set by your library has been reached and will reset at midnight. Please browse and add titles to favorites so you can easily access them after midnight.

If/when you receive this message on hoopla, you can favorite the item (by pressing the heart icon) and continue to browse the digital collection until the new day starts. Once the new day starts, this is when our library daily limit will also restart, and you can try to borrow the titles favorited the day before.

Please note this new setting does not affect the number of monthly borrows available to each patron on hoopla. Patrons can still borrow up to seven titles from hoopla each month on the Albuquerque-Bernalillo County Library service. If there are any questions, please contact our library staff at (505) 768-5141 or visit us at one of our library locations!

Why is this limit in place?

In short, the library's materials budget (which is the budget used to pay for all library materials including anything on the shelf in the library branches, as well as digital resources such as eBooks, databases, and resources) is not large enough to sustain hoopla usage without this cap. Unlike Libby/Overdrive, hoopla uses a purchasing model in which the library is charged for each item checked out. The advantage to this is hoopla’s model allows for multiple patrons to use a title simultaneously, so there are no holds queues. However, the recent major spike in hoopla usage has forced us to put a daily budget limit on hoopla borrows in order to effectively manage material costs so that we can continue to provide both hoopla and Libby as well as purchase all of the physical materials patrons expect to see in our libraries. Hoopla’s growth has simply not been sustainable with our current materials funding level.

If there is a particular book you are looking for, be sure to check on Libby/Overdrive and the library's catalog to see if it is available elsewhere. You might be able to find the same digital title on Libby/Overdrive, or the physical title on the shelf at one of our 19 library branches.

  • Last Updated Jan 07, 2025
  • Views 3061
  • Answered By Nicole

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Comments (18)

  1. My kids love Hoopla for checking out graphic novels to read at night. The last two days they weren’t able to because the daily limit was reached. It’s a bummer.
    by Terra on Jul 03, 2024
  2. What is the daily limit? I haven't checked anything out for over a week or two and Hoopla gives me the message the daily limit was reached.
    by Tricia on Jul 06, 2024
  3. You haven't reached your limit as an individual patron. Instead, the library has reached its limit for the day. How does that happen? Well, the library pays for Hoopla monthly and Hoopla takes that monthly payment and divides it up by each day in that month. When you and other patrons check out items, each check-out costs something. eBooks have one cost and audiobooks another. So, as people find just what they want, it gets deducted from that daily amount. Eventually, all of the money for the day is gone and no one can check anything else out that day. The limit resets at midnight, so you can try again the next morning.
    by MP on Jul 20, 2024
  4. This is such an inconvenience. I clicked to download an ebook and I still received this error message even though it is the first of the day.
    by Hannah on Jul 20, 2024
  5. I have been receiving this daily limit message for four or five days even earlier in the day. It really does limit access to materials.
    by Bonnie on Jul 30, 2024
  6. Similar to other comments. I get this message even it is the first download of the day. Very frustrating. Also why would you take the time to type out this FAQ and not mention the daily limit? What is the daily limit?
    by Jeremy on Aug 02, 2024
  7. I haven’t been able to borrow a single item since the limit was implemented. It has effectively made Hoopla useless for most library users. Please either re-evaluate the limit or replace the service with something more functional.
    by Jacob on Aug 21, 2024
  8. When will this daily borrow limit change? It’s obviously not working. I got my library card last week and I haven’t been able to borrow anything.
    by Lisa on Sep 04, 2024
  9. This daily limit thing is too restrictive. I’ve only been able to borrow one book.
    by Liz on Sep 05, 2024
  10. I can't borrow anything. I had my heart set on watching certain things. Is there a way to change the limit
    by Janet baker on Sep 06, 2024
  11. When will the library increase the collective daily limit on Hoopla? I try to access the website on my lunch hour to check out books and have not been able to check anything out at that time since July because of the daily collective limit. It appears there is a lot more demand for this service than the ABQ library is willing to provide to meet the needs of the community. When I consistently cannot get the material from the library it makes me wonder if I should continue to vote for bonds for the library if they are not serving the community. Please consider increasing the collective borrowing limit on Hoopla so we can at least check out an item at noon. I highly value the library and appreciate being able to ask this question.
    by Becky on Sep 13, 2024
  12. I’ve tried for three days in a row to borrow one book only. Every day even close to after midnight and first thing in the morning I get the same message that the limit has been reached and will reset after midnight. This is ridiculous - I doubt I will ever get a chance to listen to this book. It even shows that it is been lent out to me, But I have yet to have it open for me
    by fluffy on Sep 22, 2024
  13. According to Hoopla help files, there is a subscription model that includes traditional waitlists. Why not change to that model. I never mind being on waitlists.
    by AvidReader on Nov 25, 2024
  14. FWIW: I have never, even once, been able to borrow anything via hoopla. I've tried many times. In practical terms, the service doesn't work anymore.
    by pedalerr on Dec 01, 2024
  15. I love listening to audiobooks, but Hoopla doesn't have as many books as Libby. Also, I can't borrow a book and then return it and borrow a different one. It's frustrating when you only get one chance per day to borrow. If I listen to it for five minutes, decide I don't like the way it is read, or don't like the book in general, I would like to be able to return it return it, and borrow something else. I need to wait 24 hours to select a new book.
    by Kyle A Thompson on Dec 04, 2024
  16. I find Hoopla to be very useful for two reasons: the first is the no wait list, but the second is an expanded catalog relative to other mechanisms such as Libby. I just checked my borrowing record and I have only been able to borrow one book since the cap went into effect. I happen to be a person who is often awake at midnight, and if I remember, I will try. Even anytime I've tried at midnight, I have not been successful. (I believe the one book I borrowed I actually got in the middle of the day.) Thought I might get lucky today since it is a holiday and be able to borrow something in the mid-afternoon, but of course that wasn't possible. I understand that this is not a limit on me specifically, and that you need to limit borrowing because of budgetary concerns. I take that to mean that Hoopla has been successful beyond what was imagined when the service was added, so I'd consider it very valuable from that point of view also. People were using it a lot!But it seems to me that the daily system wide cap has rendered the system almost completely useless, at least in terms if my being successful in being able to borrow regularly. I'm wondering if you were to change the number of items that can be borrowed per month per person, if that were possible, if that would make a difference. I don't usually get anywhere near seven books borrowed in a month, but I'm wondering if some people actually do, and if it were changed to let's say three or four per month, if that would allow more people to access fewer titles per month, but still actually have access. Please consider any alternative methods. It's truly frustrating because there are things I can't get through Libby that I would like to get on Hoopla, but I've been unable to do so since July. Thanks.
    by Nancy on Jan 01, 2025
  17. Came here to add the same comment as many others. On several days over the last month I have attempted to borrow an ebook or audiobook (even very early in the day) and it says the limit has already been reached. Hoopla has not been a useable resource for me and seemingly many others by the strict limitations.
    by Kara on Feb 01, 2025
  18. Did something change with Hoopla limits in Jan 2025? I used to be able to check out digital items if I did so in the morning, but now you must wait up until midnight to even get a chance. Is there something that can be done about this? It's gotten to be almost unusable.
    by JR on Feb 01, 2025