Does the Public Library provide services such as faxing, printing, and copying?


Yes, we do!


All of our libraries have fax machines.

We can send faxes from any library to local & toll-free numbers. The charge is $1 per five pages per fax. We only take cash or check for faxing.

We cannot send faxes to long distance numbers, and we can't accept incoming faxes for you.


You may print from any of our public computers.  It costs 15 cents per page.  You can add money to your library card at the desk.  Add just the amount of money you need for the day, or more.  The amount you add will stay on your card until you use it up. Unfortunately, we de not have color printers. Our printers only print in black and white. We only accept cash or check for printing.

Also, there is no way to sent documents to our printers wirelessly; you must use a library computer in order to print. All you need to use our computers is your library card and PIN number. If you do not have a library card, you can fill out an application at the checkout desk and get one for free.



All of our branches have copy machines.  These also only print in black and white.  Copies cost 20 cents per page and only take cash.

  • Last Updated Jun 18, 2020
  • Views 14609
  • Answered By Main Reference Library

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