Where can I get help creating a resume?


We have a variety of services to help you create a resume.

Some branches provide computer and resume classes. View our Jobs & Career Events page to see if there are any upcoming classes.

We also provide live online resume and career help through Brainfuse JobNow. You will need to enter your library card number to access this online resource. Use the Resume resources to get started with your resume, or upload a resume for constructive criticism. You can also use the Live Interview Coach to get in person assistance, available every day from 2 - 11 p.m. 

We also have AtoZdatabases for job search and Resume and Cover Letter examples, fillable templates, and advice about finding a great match for your skills. This resource does require a valid library card.

There are additionally several print resources for you to use at you local library.  Take a look at Resume Writing books in our collection with a search in our online catalog.

  • Last Updated Jun 26, 2018
  • Views 159
  • Answered By Main Reference Library

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