What resources do you have for learning a new language?


We have many different resources available to you for learning a new language.

The Public Library offers an online language learning resources called Pronunciator in our list of A to Z resources, an online language-learning service that includes 80 languages for beginners and advanced learners, kids and adults. It includes ESL courses for speakers of 50 non-English languages. Pronunciator’s interactive online courses feature pronunciation analysis, virtual coaches, scored quizzes, and downloadable audio lessons and phrasebooks.

We have many books, CDs, DVDs and eBooks available to guide you in self-instruction. You can find these books by searching our catalog. Use the keyword combination of the language you would like to learn and the keyword "Self-instruction" to get the best results. (Example: Spanish language AND Self-instruction.)

We also have many foreign language books for adult and young readers, which include books written in Spanish, French, German, Arabic, Chinese, Italian, and Vietnamese. You can search for these in our catalog by using an advanced search and limiting by "Language" with the drop down menu located in the bottom right-hand corner, along with a subject you might want to read about.

Or you can visit and any Public Library branch and browse our language learning and foreign language books in-person. Just ask a staff member to point you in the right direction!

  • Last Updated Jun 29, 2017
  • Views 770
  • Answered By Main Reference Library

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